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Ten Most Recommended Books

“What books would help?” That’s a question I often get asked as a psychologist. Depending on the need, I direct individuals to different targeted books. Reflecting on the numerous books I’ve suggested over the years and the positive feedback they’ve garnered, I’m eager to share these impactful titles with you.

Books and ideas have the power to change our lives. They can transmit hope, offer new perspectives, provide solutions, or simply assure you that you’re not alone in your struggles. Reading can reduce stress, improve mental health, and even boost empathy by allowing you to experience diverse lives and viewpoints. It's a way to journey through different worlds and see life through the eyes of others. Additionally, reading is a powerful tool for personal growth and professional development, enriching our vocabulary, sharpening analytical skills, and improving concentration.

As a psychologist, staying updated with the latest research is crucial, so I regularly dive into journals and books to enhance my knowledge. This habit has enabled me to curate a diverse collection of books that I often share with my clients. These books are not just random picks; they are carefully chosen for their ability to inspire, educate, and provoke thought. So, if you're seeking recommendations, here are the ten books I find myself recommending most often. Each of these has the potential to enrich your life in meaningful ways:

Books to help individuals with self-development.

Mindset by Carol Dweck.

‘Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential.’

Atomic Habits by James Clear.

‘An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones.’

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

‘The International Bestseller.’ ‘Winner of Nobel Prize.’

Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl.

‘The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust.’

Grit by Angela Duckworth.

‘Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success.’

Deep Work by Cal Newport.

‘Rules for focused success in a distracted world.’

The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge.

‘Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science.’

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

‘Break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles.’

Books to help parents with their children’s development and learning.

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson.

‘12 Revolutionary strategies to nurture your child’s developing mind.’

Limitless by Jim Kwik.

‘Upgrade your brain, learn anything faster, and unlock your exceptional life.’

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About the Author

Lidia Lae, Ph.D., is a writer, psychologist, and speaker, committed to empowering individuals and organisations to build healthier cultures for meaningful contribution.