
I’m Lidia, a writer, psychologist and speaker.

I help individuals and organisations in the areas of identity, belonging, and purpose, to build healthier cultures for meaningful contribution.

I write about the questions we all ask:

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Where do I belong?

What is my purpose?

Upcoming Books

I have two books on the go. Sorting Our Selves is a memoir about meaning and purpose, and We Are Stories is a picture book for young readers.



    Psychological assessment services are provided for children, adolescents, and adults to diagnose learning difficulties, socio-emotional and behavioural issues, intellectual disability, and giftedness.


    Individual treatment sessions are offered for young people and adults, and I work with multidisciplinary teams to provide best practice in psychological services.


    Consulting Services are offered for therapists, professionals, businesses and organizations. I provide cross-cultural training and expertise to help organizations and individuals to be productive and inclusive.